Falmouth Chiropractic Clinic

Experienced Chiropractors

Our team of chiropractors boasts over 60 years of combined experience and has provided more than 150,000 treatments. Whatever your condition, you can be confident that we have the expertise to help.

Gentle, Low Force Treatment

At Falmouth Chiropractic Clinic, we specialise in gentle, low force treatments. It’s important for patients to understand that not all chiropractors use the same techniques.

While traditional chiropractic care often involves manual adjustments with clicking or twisting of the spine, our gentle approach avoids these methods. This makes our adjustments safe and suitable for patients of all ages, from babies to the elderly.

Back pain is a common condition. Most back pain is of a mechanical nature, due to locked spinal joints and muscular tension. If a spinal problem is significant, it may lead to a disc injury, causing nerve irritation and sciatica.

Neck pain, like back pain, is often mechanical in nature. Locked spinal joints and muscular tension can cause local neck pain, which can progress to pain in the arms and shoulders.

Sciatica is caused by irritated nerves of the lower back, resulting in pain that extends into the buttock, thigh, or calf.

 A significant proportion of headaches start as tension in the spinal bones of the neck. This tension can refer pain to the head, causing headaches and migraines. Our chiropractors have specialist training in cranial work, which helps to relieve headaches.

Birth can be our first significant trauma. Long labors, forceps, and difficult deliveries can place significant strains on a newborn’s structure, leading to conditions such as:

  • Colic
  • Difficulty breastfeeding/latching
  • Head shape abnormalities

Our chiropractors have undergone specialist training in gentle techniques for the treatment of babies.

As our babies grow into children, the rough and tumble of youth can cause strains on developing spines. These strains can be gently addressed with chiropractic care.

As the shape of expectant mothers changes, so do the mechanical stresses placed on their bodies. Our chiropractors have specialist training in diagnosing and treating the aches and pains experienced by expectant mums.

All of us experience some stress in our lives, but when it becomes persistent over a long period of time, it can negatively impact our overall health. Spinal adjustments help alleviate tension and pressure in our nervous system, which in turn can down regulate our stress levels. Additionally, we can recommend important lifestyle changes to further reduce your stress levels.

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We can be contacted in a number of ways

  • Waterside House, Falmouth Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 8BE
  • 01326 375900
  • reception@falmouthchiropractic.co.uk
  • Mon to Fri: 9:00am – 5:00pm